Couponing 101

You have decided to take up Couponing! Be prepared for free or very cheap items!
The #1 rule of couponing is... If something is free or cheap, buy it, even if you don't like that brand, or don't need the item! You can always donate it!

Rule #2: If something is BOGO that means, Buy One Get One Free! I love BOGO's because you can use two coupons! Say toothpaste is BOGO. I have 2 $l.00 off coupons. If toothpaste is $2.25, I can use both $1.00 off coupons and only pay 25 cents for 2 tubes of toothpastes!

Rule #3: Always ask your friends and family for there coupons! If something is free, you want to get as many as you can!

Rule#4: The most popular place to get coupons are from the Sunday Paper. You typically get 2 inserts each Sunday, Redplum and SmartSource. The first Sunday of each month, you get PandG. This is a gold mine of coupons! You can also get coupons online, from magazines, even in some stores! Sometimes, stores offer Catalina Coupons that print out at the register as well. I have gotten great coupons by simply emailing the company! Once, Scrubbing Bubbles gave me a coupon for a free product!

Rule #5: Have a great organizing system! I organize my coupons in a binder. Yours may be different.

Rule #6: Ask your stores if they double coupons! Sadly, where I live, stores don't!

Rule #7: Become friends with the cashier! At the Walgreens  shop at, the whole staff is super friendly! They sometimes even give me little discounts!

Rule #8: Have Fun saving money!